Hi Reader, Welcome to Living Contentment – your weekly nudge towards a life of Biblical contentment. Here are today’s three contentment-related things for you to read | do | pray READ THIS We all know what we consume has a massive impact on our health. What we eat is likely the single greatest factor affecting our physical health. In the same way, the media we consume plays a significant role in our emotional health. For many of us, the way the consumption of processed sugar is the kryptonite for our physical well-being, our consumption of news may be for our contentment. It’s hard to be content when we are constantly told to be afraid and angry, that we are under attack, and that someone is out to get us. It’s hard to stay content when we feed on 24-hour news coverage of disasters, wars, famines, assassinations, floods, and tragedies. It’s hard to be content when we have a feeling that we never know enough, are never fully caught up on what’s happening, and constantly need more information just to stay current. I would STRONGLY encourage you to listen to: How We Consume News is a Discipleship Problem from the Theology in the Raw Podcast. (Or click on the image below to watch the video) Here are some of the key points I took away that really impacted how I think about my consumption of news:
No Matter what – we need to think more critically about the news we consume. What we consume. How much. Where we get it. And perhaps most reflective – why. DO THIS If you find yourself acting/speaking/feeling LESS like Jesus after consuming whatever news you consume – DO SOMETHING about it. Take concrete steps towards being intentional about the way you consume the news.
I have really enjoyed the 3x per-week news updates from The Pour Over (the organization started by Jason Woodruff who’s interviewed in the podcast above). You can sign up here to get their news updates that always have a Biblical/eternal perspective to help keep things in check. PRAY THIS Eternal God, Talk to you next Thursday! ~George *if you need help doing this – click here for iPhones, and here for Android |

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