#33 – Cracks & Light


You may be thinking “wait…I thought you told me to stop looking outside myself for contentment?”
Well, yes. But — sometimes we need to.

This week the message is simple.
It may even seem repeated.
It may seem too easy.

But if you’re like me, you need to hear this over and over and over.

You always have something to be thankful for.
You always have rays of sun through the clouds.
You always have hope.

This week some friends are dealing with a potentially life-altering outcome from a simple bicycle accident. But what message do we hear from the husband at the bedside in the ICU?

Positive outlook. Gracious responses. Heartfelt thanks.

(is there really a more beautiful thing in this world than hope in the face of adversity?)

There is always something that you can find to be thankful for.

There is always someplace God is shining light in.

Look around and you will always see some redemption, some healing, some life, some love, some grace.

Often we’re just too inwardly focused to see it.


“There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”
Leonard Cohen

What does that mean to you – right where you are, right now?
What evidences of brokenness – are actually ways that redemption is getting to you?


God I don’t fully understand why you allow so many horrible things,
pain and suffering, and brokenness and heartache, and sickness and death.
When I look I can see your love and healing and care and resurrection.
I see your lights through the cracks.
Help me focus on the light getting to me,
Instead of the cracks.