Hi Reader,
Welcome to Living Contentment – your weekly nudge towards a life of Biblical contentment.
Here are today’s three contentment-related things for you to
read | do | pray
Jesus tells a story about two people who build houses. One builds on solid rock, and the other – apparently with an affinity for beach views – builds on sand.
It’s easy to skip to the end of the story and learn the lesson that we should build our lives on Christ. He is our solid foundation.
But don’t skip the storm.
Which house gets hit by a storm?
They both do.
Building on Christ doesn’t mean you won’t face the storms of life. However, it means they will not be your ultimate demise.
Storms are unwanted, destructive things. You didn’t ask for them. You don’t want them. But they hit you anyway.
Don’t confuse the presence of a storm with the absence of God.
Being in the midst of a storm doesn’t mean that God has abandoned you. In fact, it may be the thing that will show you how much he is with you.
What storm of life has taken away your contentment?
Either right now – or in the past.
Can you look at it through the eyes of faith to see how God was/is still with you in the midst of it?
Can you see how having God as your foundation is the way through it?
Father of constant, stable, unending love,
You are with us through everything.
The times we see you,
the times we doubt you are there,
the times we’re quite sure you’ve left.
Remind us of your presence.
Give us glimpses of your kindness.
Help us see you are there,
even when the storm threatens to block our view of you.
Talk to you next Thursday!
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