Most of the time we are SURE what we want, and we’re pretty sure we know what’s good for us.
Take a random 12-year-old boy and ask them what they want to drink. In some parts of the world – the answer may be Mountain Dew.
Never mind that one bottle contains a day and a half worth of sugar, the US version has more caffeine than almost any other soda, has been banned in many countries for years – probably because it contained fire retardant, has been linked to a childhood dental crisis, …..(and yet enjoys a strangely cult-like following in some places.)
Clearly – there are many things that are BETTER for the child. Their sense of “GOOD” is skewed. Most anyone older &/or wiser can see that.
Now -I’m not picking on the soda-that-has-always-reminded-me-of-automotive-antifreeze here. There are PLENTY of things that I think are good – that aren’t.
I think impressing others is good. I think my success in certain areas of life is a definite good. And I always think getting what I want is good.
One reason we are discontent is because we are convinced God is not being ‘good’ to us.
We know what we want.
We think we know what we need.
We think we know what is good.
Then we judge God against that standard.
We will never be content when we judge God’s goodness against the standards that we have set. We need to watch for how we create our own measures of goodness – and then apply those to God….instead of the other way around.
What have you been convinced in the past was something you needed – but turned out you didn’t?
Something you saw as good – that turned out not to be?
What is some experience/achievement you were convinced was necessary – that turned out not to be?
What is the one thing right now you would honestly say “God…if you’re GOOD…you’ll give me ______”
What if you’re wrong?
I admit I don’t always know what’s best for me.
I can’t even always sort out good from evil,
and even more good, from not-so-good.
Give me courage to rely on your judgment.
Help me to trust that you have plans for good,
and not just what I think is good.
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